Connect Twice with Google Sheets (make)
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FAQs - Export Orders to Spreadsheet

Frequently asked questions and common pitfalls when connecting Twice to Google Sheets

My Google Sheets modules look differently

I can't select my Spreadsheet in the Google Sheets module

Why is there a different Spreadsheet ID pre-filled in module 3?

How can I add different columns?

My Google Sheets modules look differently

I can't select my Spreadsheet in the Google Sheets module

Did you select to create new scenario from template from the lower left side of your screen when starting the setup? Due to certain limitations, the guided setup does not fully guide you through the entire setup.

Why is there a different Spreadsheet ID pre-filled in module 3?

In the third module "Add a row" the Spreadsheet ID is already prefilled with the Spreadsheet we provided you as a template. This is necessary to ensure, we have all variables (Order ID, start time, etc.) pre-selected for you and you don't have to do this manually yourself.

Now simply click on the ID to select your own, correct Spreadsheet. 

How can I add different columns?

In your Spreadsheet simply add a new column and enter a fitting header in row 1. You can add columns wherever you want, however adding new rows after the last already existing column is the easiest option. 

Now you only have to select the correct attribute in make's modules 3 "add a row" and 4 "update a row"

Let's presume you want to display your staff's comments from an order:

  1. Enter a fitting header into column K, e.g. "staff comment"
  2. In the Google Sheet Modules 3 under "table contains headers" select to refresh.
  3. Scroll down to Staff Comments (K) and assign the correct attribute from the Twice-Webhook Data.
    For more information on available attributes please refer to our API documentation.