
FAQ - Connecting custom domains

Most common errors and pitfalls as well as some tips and tricks when connecting your custom domain

With the increasing set of domain registrars, sometimes even experienced people have a hard time trying to understand why the verification is not successful. Here are a few more hints in case you cannot verify your domain.

The same error keeps coming up even though I already updated my DNS records

I'm getting an A record error

I'm getting a CNAME record error

My Provider does not have such a thing as CNAME or A records.

I can't edit A records

Where can I edit my provider's DNS settings?

The same error keeps coming up even though I already updated my DNS records

Once you update the records on your provider, it can take a few hours until the whole Internet gets to know your new instructions, including our servers, wait one or two hours and then try validating again.

I'm getting an A record error

Verify if the following:

  • You don't have any old A or AAAA records;
  • You waited 2 hours after updating the records before verifying;
  • You should have one A record with @ key and value;

I'm getting a CNAME record error

Verify if the following:

  • You have only one CNAME record with a name and no A records under that name; For example, if you want to register you have only one shop pointing to and you don't have any A records with a key shop.
  • You waited 2 hours after updating the records before verifying;
  • The CNAME record value is;
  • You did not add the full domain but only the subdomain. For example:
    • You want to add a subdomain. Make sure that the value of your record is rent and not
    • Or if you want to add a subdomain. Make sure that the value of your record is and not

My Provider does not have such a thing as CNAME or A records.

It may happen that your domain provider offers only NS records. In this case, you would need to transfer your domain to another service to be managed. Some services where domains could be transferred are, for example, Cloudflare or Google Domains.

I can't edit A records

This is likely because you added a redirecting rule using your provider.

  • Check the redirecting options. They are typically below the DNS records table;
  • Remove the redirecting options;
  • Wait a few minutes, the A records should be unlocked.

If the problem persists or you don't have redirecting rules, contact your DNS provider.

Where can I edit my provider's DNS settings?

As every domain provider has its own way of updating DNS record settings, you should find the instructions in your domain provider’s documentation. We created a listing of some widely used domain providers and links to their DNS settings documentation.


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