Resell (BETA)

Creating a Sales Listing

Create a sales listing in seconds, then share it in your preferred channels.

Quickly set up your products for sale by creating a sales listing. Twice provides you with a unique URL which can then be shared in multiple channels at once. This way you can for example offer the same pre-loved product in three different places, while you just create and manage it once, centralized in Twice.

Note: This feature is in Beta. Explore its potential and give feedback while we work on refining it further.

On this page:

How to set up a product for sale

Next steps

How to set up a product for sale

  1. In your Twice Admin select Resale from the navigation bar on the top left.
  2. Select Create Listing and fill out the details while you can preview all edits in real-time on the right part of the screen.
    • Add photo(s) either via drag and drop or click to choose from your files.
    • Give your listing a compelling title.
    • Set the sales price and change currency if necessary.
    • Edit your tax rate if necessary.
    • Add a description that provides essential information about your product.
    • Change your location if necessary. This is only accessible if multiple locations are enabled in your Account.
  3. Select publish on the top right to create a unique link for your product.
  4. Copy the created link to share your listing in your preferred channels.

Next steps

An Overview of your Sales Listings

Manage your Listings

Customer Journey - Resales

FAQ - Resales