Managing your team

Adding additional users to Twice

How to add your team members to your Twice Store

Depending on your Twice Plan you can invite additional users to your account. Learn how many users accounts you can create and how to invite your team.

On this page:

User limits per Plan

Inviting additional users

User limits per Plan

Each Twice plan includes a certain number of users that can be invited to the account.

  Free Discover Build Advance Wix Free Wix Start Wix Expand
Users 1 2 5 10 1 1 unlimited



Inviting additional users

  1. In your Twice Admin App navigate to Account -> Users
  2. Click on new user on the top right
  3. Define the user role. Learn more from: Managing user permissions
  4. When managing multiple store locations, define the store(s) the new user will have access to
  5. Enter the new user's email address - you can also add multiple users with the same role and store access at the same time, when separating their email addresses with commas
  6. Click Invite
  7. The new user will receive an email to set their password.
  8. The new user can login with the given email to the Twice Admin App at:

Next: Managing user permissions ->