TWICE allows you to customize VAT (Value-Added Tax) and sales tax settings to match your business needs and legal requirements. You can set taxes at both the store level and product level for full control.
Setting Up VAT and Sales Tax:
Navigate to Settings > Account > Taxes
Add as many VAT levels as necessary for your business operations:
IIf all your products are taxed the same way, a single VAT level is enough.
If different products have different tax rates, add multiple VAT levels and set one as the default.
Use descriptive labels to keep tax rates organized.
Decide how taxes are displayed:
Include tax in product prices (tax is already factored into the price).
Exclude tax from product prices (tax is added at checkout).
Assigning Taxes to Products
Taxes are set individually per product for full control.
To set tax rates for multiple products at once:
Go to Catalog > Products
Select multiple products
Click Actions > Set VAT
Note: Changing a tax rate in Settings > Taxes does not automatically update your products—you must apply the new rate manually in the catalog.