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Using and Monitoring Discount Codes in TWICE
Using and Monitoring Discount Codes in TWICE

Understand Where and How Discount Codes Are Applied and Monitored

Updated over a week ago

Applying a Discount Code

  • Checkout Application: Customers can apply discount codes during the checkout process in the online store. Currently, discount codes are only valid in online checkouts.

Monitoring Discount Code Usage

  1. View Completed Orders:

    • Go to Orders > Completed.

    • Select a custom date range using the calendar feature.

    • In the orders table, locate the column titled 'Discount Codes'.

    • Filter orders to show those with applied discount codes by selecting Filter > is not empty.

    • To view orders with a specific discount code, choose Filter > contains and enter the discount code.

  2. Export Data:

    • Export the filtered list as a .csv file for detailed analysis and record-keeping.

Important Notes

  • Subscription Products: If a discount code is applied to a subscription product, it remains valid for every charge throughout the subscription's duration, i.e. the discount is applied every month.

  • Used Codes: A discount code is only marked as used if the order is successfully confirmed by the customer. If the code is applied but the order is not completed, the code remains available for future use.

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