TWICE provides extensive options to customize each product to meet specific business needs. This article serves as an overview of the various product settings available, allowing you to fine-tune your products in detail.
General Product Information
On a Product's General tab, you can edit the general product information:
the product name
the product description
add product images
assign the respective category
adjust the tax percentage
set the visibility status
(pre)view it in your online store
Create package products.
Product Pricing
On a Product's Pricing tab, you can
edit the product's pricing
use & create pricing templates
enable the product to be available for rent, sale, and subscription
create pricing increases depending on product variants
manage your booking extension settings
Product Variants
On a Product's Variant tab, you can
create different versions of your product to offer choices like size, color, etc.
Product Availability
On a Product's Availability tab, you can
connect your product to the inventory
customize start times when your product should be available
limit how many orders of this product you take in per start time by setting a capacity
Product Settings
On a Product's Settings tab, you can
choose additional products to be recommended with this product
select the sales channels this product is available in
select the stores this product is available in
set security deposits for the product
define product information to be filled by the staff
define additional information collected from the customer
define when your product must be ordered the latest before a rental starts
define the maximum availability in your online store
More Options
From the More dropdown, you can
duplicate the product
delete the product
share a direct link to the product