
Discount codes Add-on

How to create discount codes for your customers

You can use the discount code feature for sales campaigns, creating gift cards, or as a potential workaround for affiliate marketing.

Note: To use this feature, make sure to upgrade your Twice Plan to Build or Advance.

Caution: If a discount code is applied to a subscription product, it will be valid for the entire duration of the subscription for each charge.

On this page

How to create a discount code

How to delete a discount code

Where can customers apply the discount code

How to view discount code usage

How to create a discount code

  1. Install the discount codes add-on from your Add-Ons.
  2. In your Catalog navigate to Discounts
  3. Click New discount code
  4. Enter the discount code your customers will enter to trigger the discount
  5. Define whether the discount type is based on percentage or fixed amount
  6. Choose whether the discount applies to the entire order, specific products, or specific categories
  7. Set usage limits if applicable (e.g. gift cards)
  8. Select if you want to limit to a specific time period
  9. Finally, click Create discount code.

Note: the discount code can't be limited to only a certain order price or order duration

How to delete a discount code

  1. In your Catalog navigate to Discounts
  2. Select the code you would like to delete
  3. Click on the More dropdown and choose delete

Where can customers apply the discount code

Your customers are able to apply the discount code in your online store's checkout. Currently, discount codes can be used only in the online checkout.

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 14.23.04

How to view discount code usage

  1. Go to Completed Orders (under Orders -> Completed)
  2. Chose the time period you wish to view by clicking the calendar button above the table and selecting Custom range
  3. In the order table scroll to the right until you see a column titled Discount codes
  4. You can now filter the orders based on whether they included a discount code by clicking the three dots next to the name of the column and selecting Filter -> is not empty
  5. If you wish to see all orders that include a particular discount code, select Filter -> contains and add the name of the discount code

Tip: You can export the filtered list as a .cvs file for further use

Note: The discount code is only marked as used if the customer successfully confirms the order to which the code is applied. If the customer applies the code but does not successfully confirm the order, the code remains unused.