Third Party Integrations
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FAQ - Third Party Payments

Frequently asked questions and common pitfalls when using a third-party payment processor with Twice

On this page:

Can I reset my Stripe Connection

What is my payout schedule?

Why doesn't Stripe accept my test payment? 

Can I reset Stripe Connection

You connected the wrong Stripe account or your connection got stuck somehow? You can remove the connection via your Account > Payment Section. Please remember to revoke access also from your Stripe dashboard.

What is my payout schedule?

You have full access to your Stripe Dashboard from which you can set your payout schedule and view all your transactions.

Why doesn't Stripe accept my test payment? 

If you have enabled Stripe payments, but are unable to complete a test transaction due to unknown error, please make sure that the total price of a purchase is higher than 0.50 USD or equivalent. Stripe is not able to process transactions below that amount.